๐ Hi there, this is my very first new blog. It's the first time I give a try on this so you may watch it very ugly , sorry for that.
๐ Well today I want to share some experiences that I got and I wrotte into my personal notes after I quitted a developer job.
๐ Learn good practices of the enterprice. Try to whatch out for all this good and healthy activities the company have and take notes of them. In a near future you may apply them enywhere else .
๐ Remeber the basics. Yes, we may think that , we all know what's variable or how to implement a sort algorithm. But take time to go over this topics again every time you can and refresh them.
๐Books. This may sound as waste of time because you learn to code coding but, give it a try. Try to start with Clean Code for example and try to learn from all people who is bright and put them knoladge into books.
๐Don't be a keyboard-picker programmer. You may thing that coding the solution is the first step on solving problems. But no. Sometimes when the problem is difficult you may think of it, without thinking the implementation. So try to solve the algorithm on paper first.
If you give me one hour to solve a problem, I'll be thinking about the problem 50 minutes the extra time is for the solution
๐ Thank you so much for reading!!!
๐ฌ Any advice is welcomed !
๐ Have a nice week !